Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bianco's Update - June 21

Top 4 pictures: Taken at Bianco's recuperating area 4 days after surgery

1st Video: Bianco yapping away and drinking from a bowl

2nd Video: Bianco snoozing away after a long day.....

It's 4 days since his surgery and hes recuperating better. He's more alert now as they have taken the morphine off him.

He has also started drinking water on his own off the plate and his appetite is better compared to the last few days.

Bianco has been trying to move his two front paws, shifting himself from left - right - left. Although his hind legs still have deep pain sensation present after the surgery, his hind legs are still limp and unable to move, always being pressed down by the back weight of his body. At times, he'll just fall over on his side because the hind legs are not strong enough to support the lower half of his body.

They have changed to a better cardboard, wrapping around his body and have decided to not use a cast. Reason being is that with a cardboard, Dr Tan is able to check on his wound and stitches as and when required. His wound and stitches are recovering well and the cardboard may soon be removed.

His yapping has intensified and calls out to us more, whenever we visit and we have been informed that he is starting to get defensive and growling at nurses whom he is unfamiliar with.

But right now, he will still need to stay in the cage and not be handled too often so that the metal plate on his vertebrae can set in better.

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