Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Recovery at Mt Pleasant - June 18 till 20

Top 2 pictures: 2 days after the surgery (They had to partially shave Bianco as he was still panting heavily)
Last picture: 3 days after the surgery (They shaved him clean so that he'll feel more comfortable by keeping him cool)

After the surgery, Bianco was moved to Mt Pleasant at the Referral Centre as only Dr Tan's patients are kept there for recovery. They told us that Bianco will need to stay at the Referral Centre for 2 wks.... besides monitoring his condition, they will also need to access how much he can recover during these 2 wks.....

He started eating (some digestible chicken meat) on the 2nd day after surgery. His appetite is somewhat mild compared to his usual self but that is to be expected since after that horrific incident. However, he still have not started much water. Besides the drip that was on him, the water he drinks is given only through a syringe.

His front paws are starting to move a little and he can lift his neck up a little higher than before, to take a better look at us when we visit him. The nurse, Concordia, that looks after Bianco has also placed a fan in front of him to keep him cool so that it will help to regulate his panting. Fortunately, his temperature has remained normal....

Bianco has also started to yap when he sees us.... but his yapping sounded different.... it would be something he would do when he wants to 'talk' to us. I believe more so a complain for now really.... for awhile, Concordia thought that he was yapping in pain. But after awhile, she realized that he only does that when he sees my mum and me.

He has yet to wag his tail..but we are hoping that it will slowly progress and see some improvements over time. Slowly but gradually.......JIA YOU Bianco!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Yah... jia you, Bianco!!