Monday, July 14, 2008

Bianco's Update from Home - July 12

1st Picture: Bianco in his 'Mercedes Benz'

2nd to 4th Picture: Bianco undergoing accupuncture

Video: Bianco under Electrolysis

5th Picture: Bianco doing hydrotherapy 3 hrs after accupuncture

Bianco's appointment with Dr Oh, the accupuncturist, was at 10am. Having met with Dr Oh, he went through Bianco's x-ray and also his current condition on how much has he improved.

He tried standing Bianco up and was rather optimistic about his condition. He said that he never believe in putting an animal down unless really necessary. He would try his best to do whatever he could through accupuncture to help an animal. He has been working in the Zoo for many years and have been accupuncturing both humans and all kind of animals in his line of job. To me, I thought he sounded really experience and was glad that such a type of specialization exist so that more animals can be helped.

Initally when Bianco saw Dr Oh, he looked very worried and flustered and was trying to move from the table. But after the needles were in and Dr Oh sent little waves of currents, Bianco was more relaxed and even rested his chin on the towel that we have prepared for him. The session took 15mins. After the session, Dr Oh said that Bianco needs to consume some chinese herbal medicine which will help his kidneys and joints. We were also advised to only do hydrotherapy 3 hrs later after an accupuncture.

Bianco has to go back for two sessions of accupuncture per week and Dr Oh will explain on his improvements each time we go back. A 15min session of accupuncture costs about $86 and his chinese medicine... $130 for 130pills which he has to take 6 each day!.....

We bought Bianco to Holland Village for lunch before going back for his hydrotherapy. Him being in his 'Mercedes Benz' brought on a lot of attention. Two kinds of ppl... one kind that think we are nuts and the other think that its cute to see him in a pram.... not knowing that he cannot walk.....

At about 1pm we went back to Mt Pleasant for Bianco's hydrotherapy. We thought that he'll be looking forward to it.. but he looked scared. He was shivering and his hydrotherapy only lasted 15mins as we did not want to stress him out too much. His front paws were paddling but his hind legs were just floating and his lower half body was just flipping from side to side.

At the end of the day, he was just so smashed out that he was sleeping most of the rest of the day.

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