Monday, August 11, 2008

Bianco's Update from Home - August 7 till 8

I notice that Bianco has a lot of blister like dots on his body. It has actually been around for some time and we were getting a little concern.

It doesn't cause him to itch as he hasn't been scratching it at all, but its pretty unsightly as these blisters look those caused by chicken pox. It starts with a red dot, gets inflamed, becomes a little tiny blister, turns dry and becomes a dry scalp on his skin which flakes off in a few days.

From the last picture taken that I have uploaded, about 3 wks back, it has gotten worse and its all over his body especially the sides and top of his body.

As his fur has grown quite a fair bit since he was discharged from the hospital, I decided to shave all his fur off again to just let his skin 'breathe'. Shaved him and run him under the shower and his skin was really in a mess. Lotsa dry scalp can be seen and when dry, all flakes off like dandruff.

We didn't know what was wrong, but tot that we''ll wait for another day and during Bianco's accupuncture session, will ask Dr Oh what is wrong and how can we manage it.

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